Archives: Highlights 2001 to 2006
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Archives: Highlights 2001 to 2006

March 31, 2006

An overview of our most important results, from 2006 going back to the year 2001.


  • National Champion KBDB '06 Young Birds 
  • Olympiad Pigeon short distance Oostende 
  • 1st Gouden Duif Winner 
  • 1st National Acepigeon Ave Regina most prizes Yearlings 
  • 1st National Acepigeon Ave Regina middle distance Yearlings
  • 1st National Acepigeon Ave Regina long distance youngsters 
  • 1st Provincial Acepigeon KBDB young birds long distance 
  • 1st Provincial Acepigeon KBDB young birds middle distance
  • 1st Prov. Champion KBDB Yearlings Middle distance
  • 1st National Champion Overall LCB
  • 1st National Champion Overall Young Birds LCB
  • 1st National Champion Yearlings Short Distance LCB
  • 1st National Champion Young Birds Middle Distance LCB   
  • 1st National Champion Overall "De Belgische Duivensport"
  • 1st National Acepigeon Short Distance "De Belgische Duivensport"
  • 1st National Acepigeon Young Birds "De Belgische Duivensport"
  • 1st National Best Fancier middle distance Duivenkrant
  • 1st Champion Yearlings pigeons Limburgse Fondclub
  • 1st Champion Young birds Limburgse Fondclub
  • 1st Provincial Bourges (495 km) with Dora Mar
  • 1st Provincial Gien (427 km) with Molokai
  • 1st Provincial Cahors (787 km) with Remi
  • 1st Provincial Melun (334 km) with Dora Mar
  • 36 x 1st prize
  • 23,28,32,34,53,70,164,...National Bourges 19.061 pigeons
  • 2,5,12,26,85,87,...Provincial Limoges 1024 pigeons (8/12)
  • 44,46,140,150,225,…National La Souterraine 13.965 p. (33/51)
  • 63,99,109,139,... National Barcelona 11.802 pigeons
Dora Mar, 1st. National Acepigeon AVR middle distance
Dora Mar, 1st. National Acepigeon AVR middle distance


  • 1 Gouden Duif winner Belgium
  • 1 West-European country cup Allround
  • 1 West-European country cup Extreme Long Distance
  • 1 Nat. Champion Overall "De Belgische Duivensport"
  • 1 Nat. Acepigeon Short Distance "De Belgische Duivensport"
  • 1 Nat. Champion LCB (old  pigeons & yearlings) 
  • 1 Nat. Ace pigeon middle distance LCB
  • 1 Nat. Ace pigeon short distance LCB
  • 1 Nat. Ace pigeon "As des as" LCB 
  • 1 Nat. Ace pigeon Ave Regina yearlings long distance 
  • 1 Nat. Ace pigeon Ave Regina  old pigeons most prices  
  • 1 Nat Ace pigeon Ave Regina old pigeons overall
  • 1 Nat. champion hens Cureghem center , 2 overall National
  • 1 Prov. Ace pigeon middle distance old pigeons KBDB
  • 1 Prov. Ace pigeon yearlings long distance KBDB
  • 1 Prov. Champion middle distance old pigeons KBDB
  • 1 Overall old pigeons Limburgse fondclub
  • 1 Ace pigeon yearlings Limburgse fondclub
  • 1st & 2nd Int. Narbonne 5.870 p.
  • 55x 1st prize from 100km to 1000 km
  • 17,40,57,149,171,... National Montelimar 10.195 p.
  • 1,2,3,7,14,... Orleans 534 pigeons
  • 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,...Argenton 204 pigeons


  • 39 times first price from 140 km to 1100 km
  • 54 times in the first 100 national and international
  • 1st Brive,1st Barcelona,1st Bordeaux,1st La Souterraine, 1st Orleans
  • 1st Laon,1st Melun,1st Nanteuil,1st Argenton,1st Chimay etc..
  • 1st club, 2nd ,3rd prov. ,4th ,12th,37th .. nat. La Souterraine 16.436 y.
  • 1st  prov., 6st .. nat. La Souterraine 3.096 old pigeons
  • 1st nat. h.,1st semi-nat. 7467p., 4th nat. Brive 19.487 p. with Gouden Grijs
  • 1st, 5th,.. prov. Orleans 7.061 p.
  • 1st club, 64th ,95th,.. nat. Argenton 23.078 y.  
  • 1st Nat. Champion Overall LCB all categories
  • 1st Nat. "Beste Hok" overall De Duivenkrant
  • 1st Nat. Champion Cureghem Centre hens
  • 1st Nat. Champion vl. Overall Belgische Duivensport BDS
  • 1st overall champion middle distance hafo ML  
  • 1st Nat. acepigeon most prices yearlings (20) AVR with The Artificial Yutta
  • 1st Nat. acepigeon most prices old pigeons AVR with Olympic Ginwa
  • 1st ace-pigeon ML middle distance yearlings 5071266/03 Fiona
  • 1st ace-pigeon ML middle distance old pigeons 5051214/02 Olympic Ginwa
  • 1st champion middle distance Yearlings ML
  • 1st and 2nd Queensland Cup Australia
  • 1st prov.  Ace pigeon y. fond KBDB with 5071683/03 Wilby
  • Olympic Pigeon Porto overall with Olympic Ginwa
Olympic Ginwa BE02-5051214
Olympic Ginwa BE02-5051214


  • 1st Nat. overall champion Belgische Duivensport
  • 1st Nat. overall champion La Colombophilie Belge
  • 1st Nat. champion youngsters LCB
  • 1st Nat. champion long distance LCB
  • 1st Nat. acepigeon speed LCB
  • 1st Provincial champion youngsters fond LFM
  • 1st marathon champion Limburg long distance old birds
  • 1st Provincial champion overall  KBDB
  • 1st Overall champion As-Opglabbeek
  • 1st Champion Long distance "Les Amis du Grand Fond"


  • 1st "De Gouden duif" dagblad De duif
  • Euro Diamond Award "Zilveren Pen Perpignan"
  • 1st Provincial Champion Long Distance KBDB 2002
  • 1st Europa Cup Barcelona Belgium
  • 1st National Les Amis du Grand Fond 1-2 marked
  • 1st general Champion Les Amis du Grand Fond semi-national
  • 1st long distance Champion Les Amis du Grand Fond semi- national
  • 1st Champion hens Les Amis du grand Fond semi-national
  • 1st National Overall Champion La Colombophile Belge
  • 1st National Champion Long Distance La Colombophile Belge
  • 1st National overall champion "Belgische Duivensport BDS" 
  • 1st National long distance champion "Belgische Duivensport" 
  • 1st International Champion Hens IFC
  • 1st Provincial Champion  1+2 marked IFC
  • 1st Provincial Champion  10 first marked IFC
  • National result Barcelona 13021 pigeons : 27th, 104th, 189th, 363th, 473th, 493th, 502nd, 576th, 613th, 648th, 667th, 684th, 856 th,.....17 prizes of 20 pigeons!!!
  • National result Barcelona hens 2927 pigeons7th, 27th, 45th, 84th, 102nd, 146th, .....8 prizes of 9 pigeons!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 1st National Overall Champion Cureghem Centre
  • 1st National Champion Hens Cureghem Centre
  • 1st National Champion Superprestige
  • 1st National Champion Les amis du grand fond 1- 2 m.
  • 1st Provincial Champion Fond Marathon Overall
  • 1st Provincial Champion Marathon
  • 1st Provincial Champion Fond KBDB
  • 1st Provincial Champion Middle Distance Aktie Zorgenkind
  • 1st National Best Loft La Colombophile Belge
  • 1st National Bricon Trophy Long Distance
  • 1st National Best Loft Yearlings De Duivenkrant
  • 1st International Overall Champion IFC 4000 Long Distance
  • 1st Provincial Champion IFC 4000 Marathon