Mother 1. Prov. Limoges '23
2. Nat. Limoges 8,970 yl (666 km)
4. fastest Nat. Limoges 16,181 p.
@ Ludo Reynders, Millen BE

Also, mother to:
1. Reims (445 km) – 4.127 pigeons
@ Patrick Steegen (NL)

Inbreeding 'Avril'
Olympiad Pigeon speed, Ostend 2007
93 prizes in 6 years of racing (no doubles)
20x 1st prize!
1. Nat. Acebird LCB speed '05, '06, '07!
1. Nat. Acebird BDS speed '05, '06, '07!

Voir pedigree
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