100% ready for the moulting season? This is how we do it

100% ready for the moulting season? This is how we do it

September 1, 2019

Summer is almost over and pigeons start to change their feathers. This process takes a lot of energy from the pigeon and therefore they sometimes look tired. But also, they might be more vulnerable to threats. We should give our pigeons the right supplements so that they can endure the moult as good as possible.


Metachol is a nutrition supplement with a significant impact on the pigeons' digestive system. Metachol simultaneously stimulates liver and kidney functions, producing a well-functioning metabolism and a platform for a good overall condition. For us, Metachol remains the most appropriate product during the moulting season.

Give Metachol 2/3x per week on the food.
For instance 1 measure spoon on 1kg of Beyers PREMIUM Thoné Olympic.
Use Beyers Brewer's Yeast and/or Amino Build & Carbo to dry the food. 


T-Tonic is our basic natural resistence & energy stimulator. We have been using it for many years. T-Tonic is a catalyst for your pigeons and will significantly improve pigeon activity. The unique components of T-Tonic increase the absorption and exchange of important nutrients between cells.

Give T-Tonic 2 days per week all year round. 
We add one measure to 1L of water in the drinking fountain, but also in the bath water. Give it in the beginning of the week, for instance the day after the race. Add fresh water to the fountain the second day. Change the fountain with fresh water on the third day. 

amino build

Amino Build delivers the necessary energy, contributes to a faster absorption of amino acids and also contains vitamin B, which is critical in the maximal absorption of the amino acids. It is composed of all essential and many non-essential amino acids coming from high-quality proteins, BCAAs (L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine) and carbohydrates from fructose. 

Give Amino Build 2/3x per week preferably in combination with 'Metachol' and 'Carbo' or 'Carbo Plus'.
We use it all year round for all the birds (racing - moulting - breeding). 

Carbo Plus

With a focus on performance and immunity, Carbo Plus is a pigeon nutrition supplement that is similar to Carbo, but with an additional nutritive cell-stimulator. 

Its patented structure guarantees an amino-acid absorption rate that is higher than any other nutrition. Therefore, Carbo Plus is a perfect product for performing pigeons who need more amino acids than usually obtained from any other regular diet.

Give 'Carbo Plus' 2/3x per week, preferably in combination with 'Metachol' or 'Health Oil'. During racing season, but also for moulting pigeons and breeders with little youngsters. 

Health Oil

Health Oil is an effective nutrition supplement for pigeons that provides high energywithout extra fat being stored immediately.

Give 'Health Oil' preferably in combination with 'Carbo Plus'. We give 'Health Oil' more towards the end of the week, especially for the racing pigeons. Use 'Health Oil' to dunk the food and dry it up with 'Carbo Plus'. In addition it is recommened to give extra Health Oil and Carbo Plus to growing youngsters. 

An example for the moulting season

Water: T-Tonic
Food: Metachol + Amino Build + Carbo

Water: add fresh water to the fountain containing T-Tonic
Food: Metachol + Amino Build + Carbo

Water: clean drinking fountains with fresh water
Food: plain food (for example Beyers PREMIUM Thoné Olympic)

Water: fresh water
Food: Metachol + Carbo + Amino Build or give an extra day of plain food

Water: fresh water
Food: Health Oil + Carbo Plus

Product manuals and the feeding schedule are attached below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us through our contact form. 

All PIGEONHP products can be ordered on www.pigeonhp.com